🇬🇧 London Properties along Tube Lines Showcase
🚆High Investment Opportunities
Prices from £300,000

Presale properties along newly launched MTR stations have always been a booster to the local area’s residential prices. In Hong Kong, property prices have increased significantly on developments such as Whampoa Garden, Sorrento and LOHAS Park after the stations have opened.
Don't miss the opportunity again!
We will be presenting a selection of properties along London’s Tube Stations. It is definitely good value for self-use and investment that you wouldn’t want to miss out on! Ms. Charis Chan, Head of International Projects will be sharing her insights on property investment for the best value and tips for Hong Kong buyers.
RSVP NOW to reserve your spot!
【 Exhibition: London Tube Lines Properties Showcase】
Nov 8-14 (Mon-Sun)
12pm - 6pm
【Seminar: London Tube Lines Effect: Your Guide to Property Investment】
1. How do the latest car-free zones policies affect the commute and our daily lifestyle in London?
2. What's the impact of car-free initiatives that have been launched in the City of London?
3. Where’s a safe place to invest? Buy near a tube line for better house price growth!
Speaker: Ms. Charis Chan, Head of International Projects
Nov 11-12 (Thu & Fri) | 12:30pm
Nov 13-14 (Sat & Sun) | 2pm / 4pm
Featured 12 Properties in Zone 1 to Zone 5

Venue: 1/F, 33 Des Voeux Road Central (Central MTR Exit B / Hong Kong Station Exit C)
RSVP NOW. Private consultation is available upon request
Enquiry: 2157 9288 / 6063 9364
More international properties: ip.listsothebysrealtyhk.com
© 2021 List Sotheby’s International Realty (Licence No: C-073987)
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- Sanitization throughout the office from time to time
- Visitors must put on masks at all times and sanitize their hands before entering the venue
- Temperature measurement and fill out health declaration for all visitors
- Limit number of attendees for each session
- Visitors must register to enter the venue, walk-ins may not be accepted
Purchasing uncompleted properties situated outside Hong Kong is complicated and contains risk. You should review all relevant information and documents carefully before making a purchase decision. If in doubt, please seek independent professional advice before making a purchase decision: https://bit.ly/2DWxi0h。The above exchange rate is for reference only. The actual exchange rate will be based on the prevailing rate on the date of execution.
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