RSVP NOW! On-Site Viewing of Manchester Property Hotspots! | LISTSIRHK | List Sotheby’s International Realty Hong Kong
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🇬🇧 Manchester is the First Choice for Hong Kong BNO Passport Holder

⭐ On-Site Viewing of Manchester Property Hotspots! 
Explore for the Best Investment Opportunity

Register Seminar NOW!


One-Stop Great Property Selections for Investors and Owners!
Completed / Completing soon / Off-Plan Projects from £150,000+ 

📣 Free Happy Father’s Day Gift & Inspection Service to Buyers! 🎁^


Manchester has been the UK's most liveable city for ten consecutive years since 2011.  Manchester has attracted a group of Hong Kong people to settle in the city, making it the largest settlement for Hong Kong BNO passport holders outside London. The rise of Manchester is unlikely to be hindered.


Investing in Manchester's Property Market Looks Promising

📈 Property prices in Greater Manchester have risen by 41% over the past five years, with a long-term property price gains

💷 With a rental return of 15.5% over the next 5 years and about 100% occupancy rate, such an impressive rental return

🏠 The population in the city center is expected to be twice as large in 2025 as it is now and making the shortage of housing even more severe

💼 80 FTSE100 companies move into the Northwest to capture the second-largest engine of the UK economy

💻 43% of tech unicorns choose Manchester as their headquarters, making it the fastest-growing tech hub in Europe

🚆 Costing £2.1 billion, the Light Rail expansion project will have 93 stations covering 60 miles throughout the city, providing easy access

🎓 The city has a young population and unlimited development potential as more than 50% of graduates will stay in the city for career development, with 96,000 new university students each year


Register Seminar NOW! Seize the chance to invest in the best locations and opportunities in Manchester


On-Site Viewing of Manchester Property Hotspots! 

⏰ Jun 16 (Thurs) | 6:30pm
⏰ Jun 18-19 (Sat & Sun) | 12:30pm / 3:30pm

Speaker: Onsite Property Advisor Charis Chan

📍VENUE: 3604-06, 36/F, Tower Two, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 

🔍Private consultation is available upon request, video option available ⏰


Enquiry: 6063 9364


More international properties:



Property prices in Greater Manchester have risen by 41% over the past five years, with a long-term property price gains [Source:]

With a rental return of 15.5% over the next 5 years and about 100% occupancy rate, such an impressive rental return [Source: Deloitte Real Estate Manchester Survey (2021)]

The population in the city center is expected to be twice as large in 2025 as it is now, making the shortage of housing even more severe [Source: Manchester Evening News]

43% of tech unicorns choose Manchester as their headquarters, making it the fastest-growing tech hub in Europe [Source:]

Costing £2.1 billion, the Light Rail expansion project will have 93 stations covering 60 miles throughout the city, providing easy access [Source: Transport for Greater Manchester]

 The city has a young population and unlimited development potential as more than 50% of graduates will stay in the city for career development, with 96,000 new university students each year [Source: University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Salford Manchester]


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^ Customers will receive a gift after attending the seminar. Customers can enjoy inspection service after purchasing an overseas property from List Sotheby's International Realty for once. Offer valid until 30 September 2022, while stocks last. 

*Terms and conditions apply, rental yield and price growth are estimation only and are not guaranteed. In case of dispute, List Sotheby's International Realty has the right to make the final decision.

 In case of dispute, List Sotheby's International Realty has the right to make the final decision.

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